Monday, December 03, 2007


When will Ireland wake up and feel free enough to choose the good influences of America and England, and reject the bad ones...why is it so bound to the materialism throttling all social instinct? Why does it distance itself from the laws of the European Union that it is a part of?

Fluoridation...a poison in our waters. No one knows how much or how little, it is not under the jurisdiction of local governments but of the 'State' and it follows Western industrial dictates, buying up a toxic chemical waste product and pouring it into us, under the pretext that it does something for teeth.

It is a disaster waiting to happen. Last June 2000 fish were killed in a stream that passes close by houses in Dingle, fluoride leaking from a faulty pump in the treatment plant, fluoride that otherwise goes into our kitchens and bathrooms undetected. What does it do to our air, to the hardening of our bones, our brains? When will a faulty pump kill 2000 of us, or will continued dosing just slowly, inexorably, make us ill? Fluoride is much more deadly even than chlorine and unlike chlorine it cannot be smelled or tasted.

Almost every European country rejects fluoridation for safety reasons as well as for ethical and medical reasons. Mass medication is a horrific thing.

Who will write me and give me some comfort in this?

Friday, November 09, 2007

Hell and Paradise
One day a Mandarin consciously crossed the threshold. The first place he visited was Hell. There he saw lots of people sitting at tables with bowls of rice in front of them. But they all were suffering pangs of hunger because their chopsticks were two metres long, so they were unable to feed themselves. The next place he visited was Heaven. There too he saw lots of people sitting at tables with bowls of rice in front of them And all of them were very happy and in good health. They too held in their hands chopsticks that were two metres long. However, here everyone used their chopsticks to feed the person sitting opposite.
This quote was taken from the Park Attwood Clinic newsletter. Have a look at their website. It is an extraordinary place of recovery at times of illness...everything one could wish for and often doesn't find.

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Two Views--the healer and the earth

1. Dr Olaf Koob is a medical doctor in Germany who has lectured and written extensively on health and illness from an anthroposophical approach. Here a recent quote from the magazine Info3, September 2007, translated for this blog:

"The perspective on health is very much reduced if regarded solely as a mechanical/physical phenomenon. There is so much more to it than simply taking a pill. For me it is too one-sided if healthy thoughts and feelings about man and the world, destiny and the essence of illness are lacking. Sometimes I tell my patients: "As far as I'm concerned, the meeting between patient and physician is like a kind of soup. We both cook it, but you, the patient, do most of the cooking. And the medicine is added like salt or spice.
"There is a saying by Rudolf Steiner, from 1922, that in future human life forces will have become so 'woody' that remedies, even if they are the right ones, will be less effective because the body can no longer react to them. So we must develop totally different modalities, for example by prescribing art so patients can become alive in their feelings and progress from a fixed to a more flexible way of thinking. This can then work back on their symptoms.

"I am always preoccupied with the question: how can we arrive at a view of life that is healing for us? And that includes the physician. If I imagine I were bound exclusively to a materialistic world view and had only chemical substances at my disposal, I would become impoverished in soul and spirit."

2. In 1924 Rudolf Steiner was asked by a group of farmers to give a course on agriculture which introduced a new approach to farming. Coming back to Dornach, Switzerland, he reported on the course, and said the following, among other remarks:
"We began by discussing the basic principles and relationships, which are especially relevant nowadays because, under the influence of our modern philosophy of materialism, it is agriculture--believe it or not--that has deviated furthest from any truly rational principles. Indeed, not many people know that during the last few decades the agricultural products on which our life depends have degenerated extremely rapidly...This degeneration can be confirmed statistically and is the subject of discussion in agricultural organizations, and yet it seems that nothing can be done about it. Even (regular) farmers...can calculate in approximately how many decades their products will have degenerated to such an extent that they can no longer serve as human nourishment. It will certainly be within this century. This is a cosmic issue as well as an earthly issue. Precisely from the example of agriculture, we can see how necessary it is to derive forces from the spirit, forces that are as yet quite unknown. This is necessary not only for the sake of improving agriculture, but so that human life on Earth can continue at all, since as physical beings we depend on what the earth provides..."
We are now in the new century and food has been 'propped up' by agrichemical means, with genetic engineering as another crutch. So it is still feeding us albeit how nourishing it is can be questioned. As far as we know, no one in agribusiness circles has managed to look to the influences and interconnectedness of the cosmos, or if they have they don't talk about it.

Meanwhile biodynamic farmers have gone to the corners of the earth, showing how to renew the land and grow living vegetables. If you look, you will find them, and if you step into their farms and gardens you will immediately see a difference and experience the incredible healthy atmosphere there. So here are two instances of 'woody' thinking being refocused and made flexible.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


from the webgsite

Open Letter to from Kathy Sinnott to John Gormley, Minister for the Environment
Dear John Gormley,
At our meeting on Wednesday 27th. June, you told the Petitions Committee that you would make the entire Tara file public. I as Vice-President of the Committee and my fellow members have been waiting to receive a copy, but as yet you have not provided one.When do you intend to do this? Had it been done sooner we would have known that the Government has been put on notice by the European Commission that the Environmental Impact Assessment for the whole M3 project is no longer valid thus making it unlawful.Further, the European Commission has informed you it is challenging the National Monuments Act on which the continuation of the M3 project in its present route is based. Had you opened the file as promised and in a timely manner rather than leaving me to unearth the truth only recently, the public would have discovered that the government is in the European Court of Justice this autumn over the current illegality of the M3 project and clearly road works should be halted until the ECJ makes its ruling. The NRA would also have been unable to claim ignorance of the illegality of the project as they are currently doing.With this in mind, I must demand that you open the entire Tara/M3 file to the public as promised and that you do so now. In the interest of the transparency and dedication to our environment we all hoped your party would bring to this government, I insist that you release the Tara/M3 file to the public, the petitions committee and to me.Tara is a treasure which cannot be replaced, I would have hoped that you would move heaven and earth to preserve it. If you are willing to sacrifice Tara, what hope have we of preserving anything else?
Yours in hope,Kathy Sinnott,Member of the European Parliament,Tel: 021 4888793,
20th. July 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Pure ugliness is another form of environmental blight. Ireland has the most beautiful landscape and yet nobody seems to care that it is blemished with more and more fengshui-opposed telephone poles. Those poles should be removed as they have been in most European towns and villages. Yet, driving back to Dingle from Tralee, along the stretch that is being repaved there are even more poles waiting to be set up, instead of using the opportunity to bury the wires while repaving the road. Electricity belongs underground; we are surely not healthier for being under its crisses and crosses. And our unseeing eyes, tho' used to the spectacle and so shutting it out, still suffer from the sight. A great Native American once foresaw the future which he described as people wandering about under endless spider webs. Fie on the planning!

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

They buried Tara underneath the grass
And herded bullocks o'er the graves of Kings
And cursed us for the memory that clings
To our dead lions, not their living ass.
They joyed to see the Celtic culture pass
And all its glories, song and art, take wings
And now the dogs they do pretend it stings,
Souls hidden in impenetrable brass,
Because some passing alien steals the name
Not they but we held sacred...hush you dogs--
Sorrows divine can touch you not, you may
Never be champions of our island's fame
Who changed its harp notes for the grunts of hogs
Your Tara is...

This poem was written by Geoge Russell (AE) the almost forgotten hero of the Irish Renaissance. One would do well to look into his works.

Sunday, May 27, 2007

A spiritual perspective on climate change
Tomás Bonek
an abbreviated translation, reprinted from Das Goetheanum Nr.5.07
for the complete article see the summer issue of LILIPOH

In primeval times the people regarded climate change as a result of their own actions, as we do today. In many cultures this was portrayed in legends of the flood. The immense water disaster described in Genesis was not only destructive—Noah became the founder of a new culture. From destruction and chaos a new world and a new humanity were born. The end of the ice age which is identified with the flood brought fundamental climate change, which allowed the development of modern mankind in the different cultural epochs. We are also in a time of global climate change. Much that was learned about weather during the past centuries seems not quite to apply anymore. The sun was never as active during the past 12,000 years as it has been since the 30s of the 20th Century. It is a sign of the times that even experts find it hard to predict the next developments. As against this we are obviously embedded in a larger cosmic order. Maria Thun, interestingly, can predict the main climate trends in any given year by her study of the planets and constellations (see her Bd Sowing & Planting Calendar 2007). This past winter for example she predicted that there would not be any real winter weather in Central Europe until the middle of January, and she was correct. Can we consider that climate change may be influenced by us but that its movements are also part of a cosmic evolution? If so, we can say: 'humanity influences climate ' and likewise: 'climate influences humanity. ' Although it may have been understood very differently in ancient times this still seems to be a relevant maxim. Indeed, while the question of how to arrest these changes is justified, it appears that the larger natural system is no longer stable—and therefore not in our complete control. So the question ought rather to be: 'how do we learn to live in and with the changed situation?
A fascinating aspect of our times is that there is fundamental change in three areas at once. So-called globalization is an immense 'climate change'. Subjectively the earth has never been as ‘small’ as it is now. Never before have so many people felt homeless--inwardly and outwardly--and yet so connected with one another. Never have time-honoured traditions come under such scrutiny before and never was there such worldwide insecurity regarding the future.

All three changes—in the heavens, the elements, and among people—are described in the Gospel: ' And there shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations, with perplexity, the sea and the waves roaring [...] for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.' However, an important motif is added: ' And then shall they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power and great glory. (Luke: 21) When the solid earth starts to disappear under one's feet and everything comes into a state of flux, people are especially open to the spirit. Then it is time to consider the message behind the phenomena. If the world is unstable tomorrow the question will no longer be how and why it is happening, rather how we will react to it. Everyone clinging to the experiences of the past will be helpless. For the future, a living understanding of the present will be crucial. Those learning to love their destiny in the midst of all change, and who can look inward with a newly awakend conscience and outward with compassion will prevail. Only then can we hope that chaos will not end in catastrophe, and that we will be raised to a heightened/etheric rather than a destructive/merely biological, condition of life.

Tomás Bonek is a priest of the Christian Community in the Czech Republic

Thursday, April 12, 2007

As reported in US media, thousands of beekeepers have found their hives empty following the winter season. There is no clue as to the whereabouts of the bees. It is believed that the bee population has been reduced by 60-70% The cost of crop failure due to lack of pollination is calculated in the billions of dollars. To a lesser degree bees have been dying in Europe but nothing to the extent of the United States. Walter Haefeker of the Council of German Beekeepers (Deutschen Imkerbundes) suspects a connection with the extensive genetically altered maize production (comprising roughly 40% of all plantings). Two years ago researchers in the University Jena (Germany) found links between genetically modified corn and immune weakened bees, but the resources to continue their studies were not made available. Source: Nr 4 April 2007 photo courtesy wikipedia

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Believe It or Not

On 25/02/07 David Fairclough wrote:
In the last few weeks, two new stars have appeared in the constellation of Scorpius. The first named Nova Scorpii 2007 was discovered on 6 February while it was only visible by telescope, then brightened until 13 February when it became visible to the naked eye. The star brightened further, but has since faded slightly although it is still (just) visible in the pre dawn skies in the southeast, just south of Jupiter.

The second star "appeared" on 21 February, a mere 3 degrees from the first. It is not as bright as the first "nova", but it is visible with binoculars.
The following text is from R. Steiner's The Festivals and their Meaning, No.3, Ascension and Pentecost). It is significant in that it shows the universe to be ensouled ('astral'), alive ('etheric'), and in close interaction with us, as was well known in earlier stages of humanity but is often regarded as unscientific or worse today.
"Every star that we see in the heavens is in reality a gate of entry for the astral. Wherever the stars glitter in towards us, there glitters and shines the astral. Look at the starry heavens in their manifold variety; in one part the stars are gathered in clusters; in another they are scattered far apart. In all this wonderful configuration of radiant light, the invisible and super-sensible astral body of the cosmos makes itself visible to us.
For this reason we should not consider the world of stars unspiritually. To speak of worlds of burning gases is just as though—forgive the apparent absurdity of the comparison, but it is precisely true—someone who loves you were gently stroking you, holding their fingers slightly apart, and you were to say that it felt like so many ribbons drawn across your cheek. It is no more untrue that ribbons are laid across your cheek when someone strokes you, than that there exist up there in the heavens those material entities of which modern physics tells. It is the astral body of the universe which is perpetually wielding its influences on the etheric organism of the Cosmos. The etheric Cosmos is organised for very long duration; it is for this reason that a star has its quality of fixity, representing a perpetual influence on the cosmic ether by the astral universe. It lasts far longer than the stroking of your cheek. But in the Cosmos things do last longer, for there we are dealing with gigantic measures. Thus in the starry heavens that we actually behold an expression of the soul-life of the cosmic astral world. An immense, unfathomable life, yet, at the same time, a soul-life, a real and actual life of the soul, is brought into the Cosmos. Think how dead the Cosmos appears to us when we look into the far spaces and see nothing but burning gaseous bodies. Think how living it all becomes when we know that the stars are an expression of the love with which the astral Cosmos works upon the etheric Cosmos—for this is to express it with perfect truth. Think then of those mysterious processes when certain stars suddenly light up at certain times—processes which have only been explained to us by means of physical hypotheses that do not lead to any real understanding. Stars that were not there before, light up for a time, and disappear again. For it is true indeed that in epochs when divine Beings desire to work in a special way from the astral world into the etheric, we behold new stars light up and fade away again.
Illustration: V van Gogh, Night Sky

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

In order to penetrate ever further into their subjects, the host of specialists narrow their field and dig down deeper and deeper till they can't see each other from hole to hole. But the treasures their toil brings to light they place on the ground above. A different kind of specialist should be sitting there, the only one still missing. He would not go down any hole, but would stay on top and piece all the different facts together. -- Thor Heyerdahl, Aku-Aku